Well, here goes…

Welcome all to the NFFGRB website! We are still working out some small kinks but I hope this turns out to be more streamlined and updated than our prior internet home. For now our URL will be NFFGRB.ORG, unfortunately we will likely not be able to use the .net site until May of 2019 when its lease expires. Once May 2019 rolls around both URLs will direct to this updated website.

Going forward, starting in January of 2019, Wayne and I are going to attempt to update sweepstakes points monthly. For the time being the FINAL 2017-2018 Open & Youth Sweeps have been updated & the 2018-2019 sweeps have been updated through 06/30/19

Please, please, please, if you notice typos, broken links, weird formatting or just have a suggestion email me (Ktyrrell90@gmail.com) or get ahold of me on facebook @Katie Mullenax. We still have a few pages under construction at this time but we will be updating those over the next few months. I am specifically working on putting together a database for the breeders listing, memberships and upcoming shows so if your membership is not UTD please update it ASAP!

Thank you guys so much, I hope everyone is having a blast at Convention

-Katie Mullenax